CROWN CABS: 1300 12 13 14
Book a taxi
When you receive your booking number, your booking was successful.
If you wish to book a specific vehicle such as a Maxi Vehicle, Station Wagon or Wheelchair Taxi, please call 1300 12 13 14 for specialised booking service.
Need a Maxi Vehicle?
Three Ways to Book a Taxi:
Book Online
Download the App
Call: 1300 12 13 14
*If you receive your booking number, your booking was successful, please don't resubmit the order request.
If you need to cancel your booking, please call 1300 12 13 14
Taxi Booking Number:

Family Business with Country Service and City Standards. Whether it is just a planned trip or a last minute booking, we pride ourselves on our service, taking care of your needs, serving you, and meeting your expectations. Crown Cabs is a cost effective, safe, and secure way to get around.
The Crown Cabs team has over 3 decades of experience operating in the taxi industry and continue to be the number one choice for Melbourne Taxis and Regional Country Victorians.
If you wish to book a taxi online, you can do so here any time or day. You'll have the peace of mind knowing that our 24-hour dispatch operators are always on standby to ensure that your taxi booking will be completed as per your request.
Why choose Crown Cabs ?
Crown Cabs will take care of your transport needs, from nights out, to errands and airport transfers. To see if Crown Cabs covers Taxi Cabs in your area, please call 1300 12 13 14, download the app, or book online.
Safe, Secure and the sure way to get home after a night on the town. Choose from our fleet of sedans through to maxi-cabs to make your night hassle-free.

Specialised services for seniors, school outings/excursions, and those with specialised needs. Read more about our NDIS Services.

Crown Cabs specialises in Melbourne Airport transfers with state-of-the-art dispatch system and 24 hour dispatch operators ensuring that your airport taxi booking service is exactly as you request it.

Save money and hassle when you purchase Crown Cabs travel cards. No Cash or Credit Cards needed.
Use Travel Cards to:
- save the hassle of dealing with cash or other payment methods
- give to clients for a journey
- save money on multiple purchases
- pay for trips for people in your care
Sign up for exclusive deals and updates via email.

Crown Cabs has been operating in Melbourne Victoria since 1993 and now service metropolitan and regional Victoria. We're currently expanding into Brisbane, South East Queensland and New South Wales.
Our Service Areas
Melbourne, North Melbourne, West Melbourne, Docklands, South Melbourne, East Melbourne.